Sunday, June 5, 2011

Waiting for Baby

For the last 9 months, Rohan has been dutifully growing up and discovering the world. However, his parents have been distracted by Rohan's imminent sibling, Baby Girl Gage. Not sure of his reaction to the news, we didn't tell him until after the second ultrasound (mid-January), when we knew it would be a baby sister. We were lucky to have "practice" siblings around -- he played with his twin cousins at Christmas, and solicitously fed "pancakes" (coasters) to then-4-month-old-T.

With the narrative help of Karen Kubler's books "Waiting for Baby" and "My New Baby," we broke the news with little fanfare. As he watched my belly grow, Rohan would say, "Ekhane?" ("in here?")
I'd reply, "Ekhane akta baby achhe." (There's a baby in here.)

Sometimes, he hides under a blanket and pretends to be the "baby in the belly".

Most amusingly, he hides his Duplo figure he calls the "bad noke" (bad guy) under his shirt, and has me pull it out. "Baby bad noke!" he giggles. (photo at right of "baby bad noke" after popping out of belly)

He'll pretend to drive a car. "I'm driving to the hospital to get the baby out!"

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